A research on teacher professional law on the basis of teachers' rights and freedoms

Mustafa Çağrı Gürbüz, Bünyamin Aydın, Tuba Gürbüz


The “Teaching Profession Law” came into force in February 2022 to regulate the professional rights of teachers. The scope and purpose of this law are to regulate the professional development and career steps of teachers. This research aimed to determine the opinions of teachers about the new law of the profession. It is a descriptive study in survey design. Teachers (379 female, 285 male) from all school types, teaching levels, geographical regions, and seniority participated voluntarily in this study. Teachers think that the new professional law will not improve their rights and increase the prestige of the profession. Teachers think that the new law of professional development is not adequately discussed or discussed based on scientific data. According to teachers, the new professional law does not encourage professional development. Teachers stated that though they generally support the need for such a profession law, the new law should be discussed more opportunities that are promising should be offered to teachers.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.51383/ijonmes.2022.203


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