Occupational Burnout Levels of Workers employed as Regular and Permanent Workers in the Affiliated Institutions of Konya Provincial Directorate of Family and Social Policies

Yalçın TÜKEL, Turgut Kaplan, Kadir Sipahi, Davut Atılgan, Samet Aktaş


The purpose of this study is to examine the occupational burnout levels of Personnel Employed in Provincial Directorate of Konya Family and Social Policies and its Institutions according to different variables. The sample of the study is the Provincial Directorate of Konya Family and Social Policies and affiliated organizations. Maslach Burnout Inventory was used in the study. As a result of the research; it is observed that burnout sub-levels of Konya Family and Social Provincial Directorate employees was significant in the level of personal achievement according to age status and it is observed the presence of desensitization in gender category. In other categories, no findings were found in the name of burnout.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.51383/ijonmes.2018.21


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