The Prediction Level of Teachers' Perceptions of Psychological Empowerment on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors
The purpose of this study is to determine the prediction level of teachers' psychological empowerment perceptions on their job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviors. The research is designed in the relational survey model. 400 teachers working in primary schools in Bolu, Turkey participated in the study and out of 356 teachers participating in the study voluntarily, 314 scales were delivered back and evaluated. Psychological Empowerment Scale, Job Satisfaction Scale and Organizational Citizenship Scale were used as data collection instruments. The findings indicated that teachers’ perceptions of psychological empowerment were moderate in self-determination, and high in other dimensions and the whole scale. The moderate level of teachers’ perceptions of job satisfaction and organizational citizenship is a striking and concerning result. When teachers do not have high level of job satisfaction, their performance will decrease, and it will be difficult for these teachers to exhibit organizational citizenship behavior. In the study, that the teachers’ perceptions of psychological empowerment affect both job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviors necessitates the importance of psychological empowerment in increasing teachers' job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviors. In this sense, it is an important finding that teachers’ job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviors will be increased by means of them having self- determination over their work, increasing their competence, making them influential by allowing to think, talk about and intervene the incidents that occur in the school, and ensuring their participation in work-related decisions. The finding indicating that teachers’ perceptions of psychological empowerment play an important role in increasing their job satisfaction and organizational citizenship
Behavior reveals the authenticity of the research.Full Text:
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