The Effect of Education on the Preservation of Historical Urban Environment: The Sample of Kastamonu Urban Protected Area
Urban historical environments are one of the most prominent and effective ones of some components to whom citizens can consubstantiate themselves to cities, and give identity to them and time perspective to living spaces of the cities. These areas are not only the histories of a society but also its memory, culture and even future. Therefore, the conservation of urban protected areas is not just a responsibility for local people living in these areas also a responsibility for all society. Conserving and ensuring sustainability of these areas is just possible with a process on which area participants involve.
In order for the area shareholders to play an effective role in this process, they should be aware of the benefit of the area for them. It is continuously emphasized in the studies that education is important in providing this awareness. In the scope of this study, it is tried to be identified how the education levels of people who live in and around Kastamonu Protected area, who visit and administrate Kastamonu affects the perspective of the protection of this area. It is identified that the view that the protection of the area negatively affects the life of the shareholders is inversely related to the education level by evaluating 376 questionnaire studies with regression analysis. It is considered that the perception that the increase in education level positively affect the life conditions of protected areas, and protecting these kinds of areas gain favor to all shareholders and become easier and more sustainable.
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