From “Can AI think?” to “Can AI help thinking deeper?”: Is use of Chat GPT in higher education a tool of transformation or fraud?
This research was conducted to see if using ChatGPT prompts students to think more deeply through reflection reports. The case study method and qualitative research methodology were used to carry out this study. Five graduate students in the Curriculum and Instruction department at Aksaray University's Social Sciences Institute who were teachers in various subjects and employed at various state school levels participated in the study. It was found that the majority of participants accepted all of the information presented by ChatGPT based on a citation as true, did not feel the need to control data reliability, and could be manipulated by ChatGPT while doing self-evaluation. Additionally, despite the fact that they prepared reflective reports in which they compared their essays with ChatGPT and included questions that prompted them to think critically and reflectively, as well as the fact that they had taken a graduate-level course on the teaching of higher order thinking skills, it was acknowledged that they could not demonstrate the expected performance in using higher order thinking skills other than to a limited extent. The onus should be on educators to pioneer positive examples of how to utilize ChatGPT and provide direction on how to harness its potential, supported by critical thinking, rather than to avoid using it and identify it as a tool to be avoided.
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