Views of Parents with A Child Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder on Their Burnout: A Meta-Synthesis Study



This research aims to analyze the views of parents of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) regarding their burnout, using the meta-synthesis method. A total of 456 articles published between 2010 and 2023, utilizing qualitative methodologies, were analyzed, resulting in the examination of 10 studies. Google Scholar, DergiPark, ERIC, EBSCO, EBCSCO Academic Search Ultimate, Elsevier, SCOPUS, Web of Science (WOS), and Wiley databases were utilized for study selection. The subject headings and keywords used in the searches were: 'autism spectrum disorder, parent, family, burnout, child, perspective, qualitative research.' Content analysis was the preferred method during the data analysis. Using content analysis, the sampling methods, research purposes, data collection tools, and attained results in the studies were examined. The identified data were interpreted based on frequency and occasionally presented using tables and graphs. The findings were categorized under identified themes based on the collected data. The studies examined within the scope of the research were evaluated as a whole and five themes were reached: getting support, isolation, disruption of daily routine, anxiety and emotional outbursts. The study's conclusions also provide recommendations for educators, parents, and future research directions.

Keywords: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Parent, Mother, Father, Burnout, Meta-Synthesis

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