Bibliometric and content analysis of meta-analysis studies in the field of STEM education
Purpose of this research is to analyze the scientific studies conducted from 2015-2023 the past to the present by using the meta-analysis method in STEM education and to reveal the general trend in this field. Scientific studies determined within the scope of the study were examined using bibliometric and content analysis methods, which are among the systematic compilation methods. At first access is gained to the WoS database and a subject-based search was conducted using the keywords "STEM education" and "Meta-analysis." In this context, a total of 38 scientific studies containing these relevant keywords were found in the search. The collected data were initially analyzed based on descriptive attributes in the WoS database. Subsequently, the listed publications were analyzed using the bibliometric analysis tool VOSviewer for bibliographic attributes, including citation counts, co-citation, co-authorship, co-occurrence, and bibliographic coupling analysis types, based on authors, institutions, and countries. Finally, out of these scientific publications, 18 articles were evaluated through content analysis. It was found that the most prominent keywords associated with the examined concepts included technology-related terms like "computer-based learning," "digital game-based learning," "academic achievement," "active learning," and "problem-centered instruction." Furthermore, the general focus of the scientific studies appears to be on determining the impact of a method in STEM education on student performance.
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