Examining the Relationships Between Media Literacy, Technology Integration Skills and STEM Applications Self-Efficacy Perception via Structural Equation Model: A Study on Visual Arts Teacher Candidates

Zeliha Canan ÖZKAN


The purpose of the present study is to examine the relationship between Visual Arts teacher candidates' media literacy, technology integration skills and STEM applications self-efficacy. The research, designed with the relational scanning model, was conducted with the participation of 204 Visual Arts teacher candidates. In order to collect the data, 'Media Literacy', 'Teacher Technology Skills' and 'Teacher STEM Self-Efficacy Perceptions' scales were used in the study. The analysis of the research data was carried out with STEM analysis in the AMOS program. According to the research findings, visual arts teacher candidates' media literacy was found to be high, but their technology integration skills and STEM applications self-efficacy were found to be at moderate level. According to STEM analyses, media literacy and technology integration skills significantly predict STEM self-efficacy in Visual Arts teacher candidates, both separately and together.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.51383/ijonmes.2024.364


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