The Effects of Integrated Mathematics and Life Sciences Teaching on Primary School Students' Value Acquisition
A subject worth examining was the interdisciplinary approach’s planning and application of two distinct disciplines around a theme, as well as investigating the value achievement inclinations of students who participated in the interdisciplinary approach. In this context, the problem sentence of the research is that: Does integrated mathematics and life sciences teaching have an effect on primary school 3rd-grade students’ achievement of honesty, respect, love, and helpfulness values?”. In the research, a quasi-experimental design with a pretest-posttest control group which was designed under the theme of “tolerance,” was used to determine the effect of teaching integrated Mathematics and Life Sciences lessons in the third grade of primary school on students’ honesty, respect, love, and helpfulness value tendencies As the data collection tools of the research, the “Honesty Value achievement Scale,” “Love achievement Scale,” “Respect achievement Scale,” and “Helpfulness achievement Scale” were applied to the students in the sample. This research was conducted in three stages: preliminary preparations before application, integration of disciplines, lesson plan preparation, and actual application. There was a significant difference in favor of the experimental group between the primary school third-grade students in the experimental group, who were taught integrated mathematics and life sciences, compared to the control group students, who were taught according to the Ministry of National Education-approved course and workbook. In addition, it was concluded that there was a significant difference in favor of the posttest between the pretest-posttest scores of the honesty, respect, love, and helpfulness values belonging to the students in the experimental group in which integrated mathematics and life sciences were taught.
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