Predictive Relations Between Quest For Significance And Social Media Addiction Of Adults
The aim of this study was to analyse quest for significance of adults according to their demographic features and to determine predictive relations between quest for significance and social media addiction of adults. The data of the study were collected from a total of 556 participants, 188 men and 368 women aged 18 and over. Participants were recruited by utilizing convenience sampling technique, and correlational survey method of quantitative research models was adopted within this study. Quest for Significance Scale, Social Media Addiction Scale and Personal Information Form were used as data collection tools. The data from assessment tools were analysed using the T-test, and multi-group comparisons were made using ANOVA (one-way analysis of variance). The relation between the points acquired from assessment tools was calculated using Pearson's Moments Multiplication Correlation Coefficient. Predictive relations between quest for significance and social media addiction was analysed using simple linear regression model. Significant difference was determined in quest for significance of adults as a result of the study considering age level, marital status, time spent on social media, the reason for using social media and whether using social media has any impact on sleeping pattern. On the other hand, no significant difference was determined in quest for significance of adults in terms of gender, income and educational background. A moderate positive correlation between quest for significance and social media addiction of adults was determined.
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