The Effect of The Art Education Status of Gifted Students on Their Professional Preferences
This study aims to investigate the effect of gifted students' art education on their professional preferences. The survey model, one of the quantitative research models, was used. A total of 320 students from the Çukurova Science and Art Center art field and general talent field, which were determined by the convenience sampling method, constitute the research sample group. The occupational preference inventory prepared by Atli and Kendal (2017) was used in the research. The inventory comprises six sub-dimensions: investigative, entrepreneurial, artistic, social, realistic, and traditional. Independent Sample t-Test and Anova Test were applied for the analyses, and Cohen's d and Eta Square tests were applied to calculate the effect level in meaningful data. As a result of the research on general talent and art students, it has been determined that there are significant differences in gender, school type, school level, and age.
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