Effect of Parental Interest on the Self-Regulation Ability of Preschool Children



This study was conducted to examine the effect of parental attention on the self-regulation ability of children aged between 48 and66 months who have just started their preschool education. For this purpose, an example of a training program to improve parental interest was prepared for the parents of the children participating in the study. The study group consisted of 40 children who attended an independent kindergarten affiliated to the Ministry of National Education in Nilüfer District of Bursa Province in the 2019–2020 academic year and their mothers (40) and fathers (40), totaling 120 people. The “Parental Interest Scale for Children” and the “Preschool Self-Regulation Scale (OÖDÖ)” have been used as data collection tools. In addition, the “General Information Form” was used to obtain information from the participants. The obtained data were analyzed with ’Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS)’26 package program. In light of the findings; it was seen that parental attention has an effect on the self-regulation ability of children aged between 48 and66 months who have just started their preschool education, and this positively observed effect is due to an increase in parental interest. As a result, when the correlation test analyzes between parental interest scores and self-regulation skill scores are considered. Parental interest has a positive effect on the self-regulation skills of 48-66-month-old boys and girls who have just started preschool education. Training aimed at improving parental interest is effective in achieving this.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.51383/ijonmes.2023.306


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