Preservice Mathematics Teachers’ Performances in Teaching Activities
In this study, it was tried to determine teaching activities that elementary preservice mathematics teachers exhibited in a micro teaching session. Preservice teachers are required to prepare and later present a sample micro teaching session. First of all, they were advised to freely select a topic (or an attainment) of their own intention within 5-8 middle school mathematics subjects. Then, every one of them planned their own special session. While they were planning the sessions, they were advised to take into account of all perspectives and practices of the theoretical subjects covered via the course of Special Teaching Methods 1 and the experiences that they gained during the other courses of the mathematics teacher education program. After that, each one performed tasks in the classroom environment related to their own planning. No intervention was made to the preservice mathematics teachers by the lecturer during the sessions. After each session, the remaining candidates and the lecturer made critique about the candidate’s performance. The study was conducted with 50 preservice teachers who take Special Teaching Methods II course. A systematic observation form has been prepared and used for data collection. Descriptive analysis and content analysis based on observations were used as mixed methods in the study. Findings show that preservice mathematics teachers have some misconceptions regarding the lectured subject, besides the deficiencies and mistakes in the course planning and performance.
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