Flipped Learning: An Innovative Model for Enhancing Education Through ChatGPT

Selahattin ALAN, Eyup YURT


The limitations of traditional education models and the advancement of technology have revealed the need to transform the learning experience. The “Flipped Learning” approach, born out of this need, is a model where students study learning materials in advance and participate in more interactive and hands-on activities in the classroom. This research discusses how the Flipped Learning model can be combined with ChatGPT. ChatGPT is a language model developed by OpenAI, and it can interact with students thanks to its natural language processing capability. In this way, combined with the Flipped Learning model, it can provide students with a more individualized and interactive learning experience. From this viewpoint, in this research, a model called “ChatGPT Aided Flipped Learning Model (CAFLM)” has been developed, which enables ChatGPT to be used in the “Flipped Learning” learning environment. CAFLM has three main phases: 1) Preparation, 2) Outside classroom teaching, and 3) inside classroom teaching. At these phases, the tasks of the student and the teacher are explained in detail. Sample activities and use cases are provided on how ChatGPT can be integrated into the Flipped Learning model and help students. To experience the model, activities developed for mathematics and science lessons were carried out using ChatGPT. Preliminary results have shown that the Flipped Learning model can be combined with Chatbots such as ChatGPT to provide students with a more effective and personalized learning experience. CAFLM can enable students to be more active in the learning process and contribute to innovative approaches in education.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.51383/ijonmes.2024.328


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