Satisfaction Levels of Social Studies Teacher Candidates with Regard to Distance Education

Fatih KAYA


This study aimed to examine the satisfaction levels of pre-service social study teachers regarding distance education. Based on this purpose, survey and causal comparison models, which are among the quantitative research approaches, were preferred together. The study population consists of students in the Social Studies Teaching undergraduate program. The sample consisted of 238 pre-service Social Studies teachers studying in the Social Studies Teacher Education program at İnönü University, who were selected from the population using the simple random sampling method. The data of the study were obtained by using the "satisfaction scale" developed by Ilgaz (2008). The data collected with the satisfaction scale used to determine the satisfaction of pre-service social studies teachers with distance education were examined for normality before being analyzed. In this direction, skewness and kurtosis values were examined (Gürbüz & Şahin, 2017). It was determined that the skewness and kurtosis values obtained because of the analysis were within the "±1.5" range determined according to Tabachnick and Fidell (2013). The determined values show that the scale data meet the normal distribution criteria. Therefore, unrelated samples t-test and ANOVA, which are parametric tests, were used in the analysis because of the research, it was concluded that the satisfaction levels of pre-service teachers regarding distance education were high.

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