Teachers' instructional design for e-learning of deaf and hard of hearing students

Gülcihan Yazçayır


The purpose of this study was to examine teachers ’ e-learning instructional design and practices for deaf/hard of hearing students during the COVID-19 period. For this reason, this study is assumed to serve as a reference point for the development of accessible e-learning instruction for teachers of deaf/hard of hearing students. This study is a quantitative research in survey design. During the COVID-19 pandemic, education and communication were maintained thanks to e-learning, which has become an integral part of education. Since it was intended to establish the attitudes, thoughts, and behaviors of the sample over a specific time period, a cross-sectional design was used. The data collection tool was an online survey developed by the researcher. The participants of the study were 138 teachers. However, neither before nor throughout the COVID-19 period, 13 of the participating teachers had no experience with e-learning. Therefore, they did not answer the questions related to e-learning in the third part of the survey. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data.  As a result, it was determined that teachers of deaf/hard of hearing students were unprepared for the e-learning process. They require assistance with the instructional design for e-learning.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.51383/ijonmes.2023.342


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