Enhancing Critical Reflection in Preservice Teacher Internships: Examining the Impact of 360-Degree Video and Virtual Reality Technology

Heather Stefanski, Mohamed Mostafa Ibrahim


Preservice teachers (PSTs) frequently face challenges with classroom management, a key aspect of effective teaching. Reflective practice is crucial for PSTs to enhance their skills, but their reflections tend to be superficial. This mixed-methods study explores whether integrating 360-degree video and virtual reality (VR) technology with a modified Gibb's Reflective Cycle can improve PSTs' critical reflection on their classroom management practices. Twelve PSTs, engaged in full-time internships at middle schools, recorded their lessons using 360-degree cameras and reviewed the footage via VR headsets. Reflections were completed at three stages for each of two observed lessons: immediately after teaching, following a review of 2D video, and after viewing the 360-degree VR video. Paired samples t-tests revealed significant improvements in PSTs' self-assessments of classroom management after reviewing the 360 VR video compared to memory and 2D video. Despite technical issues, the results indicate that immersive 360 VR video, combined with structured reflection, can enhance PSTs' objective self-assessment, inform their pedagogical decision-making, and foster actionable insights to improve classroom management skills. This study contributes to research on immersive technologies in teacher education and underscores the value of structured reflection in supporting PSTs' professional development.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.51383/ijonmes.2024.379


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