
This study set out to examine the Masters students’ attitudes towards research component of their programme. It was conducted in Makerere University Business School (MUBS) in Uganda. A phenomenological qualitative study approach was employed. The respondents were able to narrate their stories on their own experience when undertaking research. The selection of the 17 respondents who participated in this study was done using purposive technique. To be selected as a respondent in this study, one had to be a student of MUBS pursuing an MBA programme and had to have completed the coursework component of their work but had delayed in the programme due to failure to complete their research component in time. The student had to still being engaged in research without having sought a “dead period”, an official period of withdrawal before resumption, or having internally decided to give the course a break. 


The findings revealed that the students’ attitude towards research was mainly influenced by supervision, the students’ own abilities and the environment they suddenly found themselves in. Given the findings, it is recommended that the Business school be flexible in terms of selection of supervisors and also come up with adequate orientation programme on research.

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