University Students' Views on Distance Learning
This study aims to examine distance education practices of universities in Turkey during coronavirus (covid-19) pandemic according to views of undergraduate students. The method of this study is designed in the survey model. The study group consists of 1561 students studying at 44 universities. Simple random sampling method was used while selecting the study group. The data were collected by the researchers, with the ‘Scale of Distance Education Views of University Students’ which was developed within the scope of the study. Study data were analyzed with descriptive tests, t-test, and ANOVA tests. The findings of this research show that there is a significant difference in the university students' positive views about distance education in terms of their social lives, socio-economic factors, ability to learn independently, making themselves willing to learn, their willingness to go to school, adaptation to the lesson plan, school performance of the students, before and after course studies, devices they use for the education, the internet connection quality they have, their capability level to use the technology, access to course resources and the system of the university they are studying at. The findings of this study provide an important insight into the factor affecting students’ views on distance learning, which need to be considered in the future conceptualization of such provision.
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